

Apple-tite is a mobile application that provides healthy food recipes and financial information for each recipe, as well as connects healthcare professionals and patients through a system that I created called the CareID system. Apple-tite was created using the software Intel XDK and the programming languages of HTML, CSS, Javascript, PHP, and SQL. Apple-tite is also connected to a MySQL database using Ajax which allows for communication between Javascript and the backend of the mobile application (PHP, SQL, and the Database).

Apple-tite is unique because it has multiple functionalities that most health, financial, and medical applications on the Google Play store and on the iTunes store don’t offer. Apple-tite also has various functions such as allowing users to add recipes to their favorites list, connect with caregivers / professionals, and have the ability to regulate their own medical information. If the user is connected with a caregiver / professional, the caregiver / professional has the ability to regulate the user’s medical settings. Apple-tite also works on all mobile operating systems such as Android, iOS, and Windows.


For my acknowledgements I would like to thank the Young Science Achievers Program for funding my original project. I would also like to thank Dr. Dean Saghafi for his mentorship and constant support throughout my entire project. As well as Pace University for hosting the Mobile App Competition and encouraging students to learn about programming and developing mobile applications. Thank you to IBM for providing membership to IBM Bluemix. As well as providing support throughout the research.


Westchester Smart Mobile App Contest 2016 - First Place ACCA Finance & Money App Award

Young Science Achievers Program (YSAP) 2016 - First Place Inventions

Project Completed:

June 2016

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